
In2016,welaunchedthefirstInnoVEXtomeettheboomingdemandofdisruptiveinnovationsintheICTindustry.Theexhibitionfocusingontechstartups ...,Seetheexhibitionhighlights,forumlivestreamingsandexhibitorsinterviews.,InnoVEXistheINNOVATIONHUBOFASIAwhereyoucanmakethemostmeaningfulconnectionswithstartups,manufacturingpartners,investors,corporationsand ...,3天前—為串接臺灣與全球新創生態系,InnoVEX展區亦舉辦...

About InnoVEX

In 2016, we launched the first InnoVEX to meet the booming demand of disruptive innovations in the ICT industry. The exhibition focusing on tech startups ...

Videos - InnoVEX

See the exhibition highlights, forum live streamings and exhibitors interviews.

InnoVEX | The Innovation Hub of Asia

InnoVEX is the INNOVATION HUB OF ASIA where you can make the most meaningful connections with startups, manufacturing partners, investors, corporations and ...

COMPUTEX 2023盛大登場全球科技精銳與新創團隊齊聚 ...

3 天前 — 為串接臺灣與全球新創生態系,InnoVEX展區亦舉辦一系列活動,包含InnoVEX創新競賽協助國際企業創投對接目標新創團隊、Global Demo Day展現不同地區的新創 ...

InnoVEX 2023匯聚22國新創動能展現產業未來無限可能

COMPUTEX 2023創新與新創展區InnoVEX將於5月30日至6月2日在台北南港展覽2館舉辦,作為全球指標新創媒合平臺,InnoVEX 2023融匯5G、AIoT、醫療科技、元宇宙與XR、電動車 ...


COMPUTEX 2024宣示AI時代來臨. AMD董事長暨執行長蘇姿丰博士擔任開幕主題演講者; 2023/10/17 最新消息 COMPUTEX 2024:全球AI焦點現正開放報名中; 2023/10/05 最新消息 ...

InnoVEX | Nonprofit organization

InnoVEX, 台北市。 8016 個讚· 20 人正在談論這個· 1317 個打卡次。 InnoVEX, the leading startup exhibition in Asia, is held concurrently with COMPUTEX TAIPEI ...


InnoΛEX is an online project that enables a platform of two-way communication for top innovators and tech industries to connect and collaborate. From September ...

COMPUTEX 2012 南港展覽館一遊~很久沒拍了XD

COMPUTEX 2012 南港展覽館一遊~很久沒拍了XD
